19 links have been added on 7 ideas about #finance.
  1. Several countries are considering launching central bank-backed cryptocurrencies that are more stable compared to other cryptos. These will give fiat currency very stiff competition.

  2. Cryptocurrencies are becoming increasingly popular worldwide, and top cryptos such as bitcoin might replace real currencies within no time.

  3. Smith has been debunked so many times already. You just got to read up on what has happened since his ideas were championed by those in power – and what happens to people who try to correct this basic mistake. Go Chomsky and others who bother learning and being compassionate, which is also something Smith had problems with.

  4. There are a few “sustainability” jobs agencies around. I guess to some that means eco or environmentally friendly unless its just a marketing angle.

  5. Nope, peer to peer is not what the idea was about – these guys are just wannabe banks and those that survive with end up being as bad as banks – the idea was about keeping interests rates cheap, not avoiding credit checks.

  6. It exists already – called peer-to-peer investing, there are sites and apps for it already.

  7. Didn’t think of that, but the old idea of ditching income tax has its merits too. After all, it’s not a crime to make money, just to spend it.

  8. I like this idea, betting on the actual trader rather than stock. Kind of removes you from lots of the risk but lets you enjoy the fun of the game.

  9. ” it is imperative not just to lift people out of extreme poverty; it is also important to make sure that, in the long run, they do not get stuck just above the extreme poverty line due to a lack of opportunities that might impede progress toward better livelihoods.”

  10. Asgardia, the new “space nation” is a likely candidate, due to their focus on space exploration rather than wealth.

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