A space junk shame list
Supermarkets and coffee shops know they sell to irresponsible customers that leave garbage around the environment. As below so above. Use the already available data to list the worst offenders, alongside info to show them how to de-orbit spent spacecraft or manage their waste properly.
The NSS should know where it came from and who is going to help clean it up I guess. Ad Astra!
…too busy hoping for illegal rocks to blast!
Gonna rip up the space as well as the place, won’t let me out!
And include a snippet of code that anyone can paste the live list on their own web sites or feed. There are plenty of people who want to keep the solar system clean.
Shouldn’t the govt keep this list for us? I don’t see it here https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/news/orbital_debris.html
You can bet someone has that list.
They let you know if you need to know…”In December, China criticised the US for threatening the lives of astronauts on board its Tiangong space station after it was forced to dodge one Starlink in July and another in October. The US said it would have let China know if there was “a significant probability of collision”.
Too political as a public list that is likely to be disputed and disregards the explosions that spreads debris. Though ESA list debris “stories” for those waiting for the way to be cleared.
Put the list on Asgardia. “Asgardia can offer the entire Earth civilization an alternative way.” Head of Nation, Dr Igor Ashurbeyli
A space junk shame list
(5 upvotes)Make Space Peaceful Again – Disband Trump’s Space Force
(8 upvotes)Licences to set up new countries – supported by a global ‘nation’ tax
(1 upvotes)Create a nation that doesn’t strive only for financial growth
(1 upvotes)We have amazing accuracy for mapping debris. Watch this video. I guess the problem isn’t shaming brands, but showing them how they can pay towards the cleanup.