29 links have been added on 7 ideas about #numbers.
  1. The problem may be to do with the fact that mathematicians have been allowed to name things. I guess they felt they were qualified to do so because they saw physicist name things and decide to have a bash at it themselves.

    Fortunately, physicists trump chemists and use chemistry words like “metal” to mean any element above helium. Why not? They got away with it and it’s their world too.

    Let’s just hope those clever fundamentals mathematicians don’t start trumping the physicists with language. After all, this is the “real” world we are dealing with here. (joke)

  2. Wait up, from this subreddit I hear of Calc 3 – what gives?

    “Why is Calc 1 called “Single variable calculus” and why is Calc 3 called “Multivariable Calculus”

  3. Truth, is a loaded word, but yeah…

    “In mathematics, there are imaginary numbers which cannot be represented directly in reality (the physical world). For example, you can’t have i apples where

    i = √-1 (square root of -1)

    Can we then say that in some sense mathematics is not truth, assuming truth in this sense is that which is manifest or possible in reality?”

  4. You can laugh, but there are good lessons to be learned from this story. I suggest the op read this article. “True, reliable eyewitness accounts are never completely parallel and identical. Instead, they are different pieces of the same puzzle, unintentionally supporting and complementing each other to provide all the details related to what really happened.”

  5. Not sure how accurate this idea is tbh. It wasn’t specified if these 2 fish were the same species or not. So it could be fishesfinger sandwiches/buns/baps/baguettes. https://www.grammarly.com/blog/fish-fishes/#:~:text=The%20plural%20of%20fish%20is,often%20referred%20to%20as%20fishes.

  6. “The fish were this big”. Yes, Jesus was prone to exaggeration. No wonder Matt, Mark, Lucas and Jonny foreigner pimped the tale somewhat.

  7. omg, don’t laugh… ” I always see the number 1234. I see it as on clocks, in emails, on TV, and just out and about. At first, I thought it was a coincidence, but then I started to realize that it was a pattern….

    Because everything in this reality is at its core is energy, Spirit will send messages through numbers because your vibrational field is so responsive to them. It is what the world around you is made out of. “

  8. Pie backwards anybody? Remember this as a teacher showed me it at school.

  9. Nice, and here is the link for a background on early infinitesimals and how they perplexed the learned in Greece… ” Zeno’s dichotomy paradox was the first mathematical concept to consider the relationship between a finite interval and an interval approaching that of an infinitesimal-sized interval.”

  10. Blimey, someone must have been trying hard to find some pattern in there. Just Google’d it and to be honest, would have expected lots more “patterns” than that in an infinite number.