43 links have been added on 11 ideas about #medical.
  1. Mike

    Check this out! Men can also get hair transplant procedures for their beards.

  2. Blinko

    Hair transplant is not just a cosmetic procedure; it can offer life-changing mental health benefits too!

  3. Scientists are already planning to implant brain chips in humans. What could go wrong?

  4. The applications for brain implants are comprehensive; they could also help people recover lost memories, such as Alzheimer’s patients.

  5. Imagine acquiring knowledge and learning new skills instantly! This is what the future will look like with brain implants.

  6. With brain implants, a person can communicate directly with computers and machines. This would take human evolution to a new level, especially when combining brain implants with AI.

  7. The greatest challenge of artificial organs is ensuring they are compatible with the recipient’s body.

  8. Many people don’t like wearing medical alert bracelets. Finding one that suits your taste and fashion sense can change this and potentially save your life.

  9. You can find a large selection of quality, trendy, and functional medical ID jewellery on Amazon

  10. Check out this article on the health benefits of weight loss! https://www.nutrition.org.uk/health-conditions/overweight-obesity-and-weight-loss/healthy-weight-loss/

  11. The link between overweight/obesity and cancer is only prevalent in adults. However, children who struggle with weight issues are likely to continue doing so even as adults!

  12. Sorry to let you know, but you have been paying for this for the last few years. Not sure when the public asked for it, or if it just seemed a good idea for a bunch of ladies that like this stuff and need a job.

  13. Treatments like acupuncture can help relieve the symptoms of chemotherapy. What’s wrong with that? Read on before you judge others and what you assume they want for free.

  14. Do you mean so other people can pay for your massage and reflexology sessions? I don’t think so. Read and learn why this is not a good idea. Sorry.

  15. I didn’t realise we were 90% oxygen, carbon and hydrogen. So yeah, I like the idea of introducing kids to chemistry by telling them that is what they are made of.

  16. Yeah, these exist and are likely a good idea. I have HEALTHVAULT but its more for your weight management rather than something your doctor can use and keep updated for you. Not sure if something like that exists, or what GPs use tbh. There are a few options though according to this list https://www.dr-hempel-network.com/digital-health-technolgy/top-10-mobile-apps-for-personal-medical-records/

  17. READ THE PAPERS ON IT – “In spite of potential benefits of new technology, sometimes people confront various challenges such as social isolation, unusual anxiety, and disorder in physiological times of body, low physical activities, decrease academic performance, increase aggressive behavior, and physical pain. These problems can be partly overcome by proper planning, good design, and usage of suitable and continuous monitoring.”

  18. I take this with a pinch of salt. Just being alive and eating food can help fight diseases. Many of the articles about it, like this, don’t seem to show conclusive results – though that won’t stop business people from making useless products with the aim of selling to the hopeful.

  19. They work for brains, not so sure about fighting cells that want to destroy you. nice idea but…