Growing transplant organs in the lab
Lab-grown transplant organs can help save many lives by reducing the transplant waiting list time, which is also very expensive.
by MeterMan Aug 29, 2022 5 Comments 5 Links
#artificialorgans, #biomedical, #health, #labgrown, #life, #medical, #medicine, #science, #technology, #tissueengineering, #transplant, #transplantorgans,
Lab-grown transplant organs can help save many lives by reducing the transplant waiting list time, which is also very expensive.
Wow! These mad scientists are growing human hearts in the lab!
Lab-engineered lungs that have been successfully implanted in a pig. Talk about human ingenuity!
Spare parts for human beings! Lab-grown transplant organs are the future of the medical industry.
The greatest challenge of artificial organs is ensuring they are compatible with the recipient’s body.
There is a global transplant crisis due to a shortage of transplant organs. Lab-grown organs can solve this problem!