39 links have been added on 14 ideas about #meat.
  1. Plant-based meat can be a better alternative to animal meat, but most of the products currently in the market are unhealthy due to their heavy processing.

  2. Check this out! A plant-based chicken that promises to deliver a real chicken taste.

  3. Bacon is delicious, but if you can find a plant-based alternative that tastes like the real thing, the better it is for your health.

  4. These scientists have a crazy suggestion that can solve the crisis – house train your livestock.

  5. Forcing everyone to go vegan is a tad too extreme, but you are right about the high levels of greenhouse emissions from livestock that are very concerning.

  6. Butcher knife is the best choice

    Added on 2 ideasView all 2 ideas this link was added to.
  7. Butcher knife would be the best

    Added on 2 ideasView all 2 ideas this link was added to.
  8. I’ve had the same problem many times before. And it allows me to get my camping stuff out. Highly recommend a “pry” knife. It’s more of a chisel actually.

  9. These exist online already, not long until they become a normal thing to see in the high-street, I hope. Well done Greggs for making the vegan sausage roll a popular alternative. Got to start somewhere.

  10. Good idea, i resort to doing this https://www.hunker.com/13408196/how-to-get-frozen-items-apart-in-the-freezer

  11. There is a company in Brighton called Beelzebab that comes pretty close. They do vegan versions of trashy fast food, including dirty fries and even kebabs. I guess the name of the company is a joke on evil fast food chains and the crappy food they usually serve.
    Their meat strips are actually pretty tasty. Good beer food fodder.

  12. hmmm… but is it ethical? “Generally speaking, the production of cultured meat is presented as environmentally friendly, because it is supposed to produce less GHG (which is a matter of controversy), consume less water and use less land (this point being obvious) in comparison to conventional meat production.”

  13. There are lots of options, but I don’t think anyone has made a franchise chain that replicates vegan or veggie versions of popular fast food dishes. Someone should though.

  14. There are so many great recipies out there, someone should do this before McDonalds and the rest start to monetise vegans.