64 links have been added on 19 ideas about #greenenergy.
  1. Check out this portable solar water heater shower from Amazon!

  2. It’s a novel idea, but wont the water harm the panels, especially in the seas and oceans?

  3. We need more floating solar plants like this one in Chile.

  4. Floating solar farms in the seas, oceans, and lakes could produce unlimited clean energy to power the world.

  5. Algae looks like a more promising (and eco-friendly) source for bioenergy.

  6. Biofuels can be a major resource in the developing countries.

  7. The maritime industry is another sector that can significantly benefit from eco-friendly biofuels.

  8. Wind turbines can be an ideal solution for winter, but their efficiency could also be affected by ice, which can slow or stop them from spinning altogether.

  9. The winter season has very strong winds that are perfect for wind energy generation!

  10. You could also store energy in the water!

  11. Underground energy storage balloons are the solution to ending environmental pollution by lithium batteries.

  12. Ocean and sea waves have so much potential energy, which can eliminate the need for nuclear and fossil fuel energy.

  13. Solar roads are a great concept in theory, but they face many challenges that make them less efficient than regular solar panels.

  14. It has been done. The Netherlands has a bicycle path made of solar panels.

  15. Here’s an even cooler idea – use the energy harvested from the deserts to turn them into green spaces where you can grow crops.

  16. We should have solar energy plants in every desert in the world!

  17. Space-based solar energy has a lot of potential, and could be the solution to the ever-growing demand for energy in the world.

  18. Here’s one from Amazon that can be pretty hardy in emmergency situations.

  19. Perhaps the aviation industry can adopt other green alternatives, such as renewable fuel.

  20. While using solar energy for air travel is a great idea, many challenges currently exist that make the technology too expensive or downright unfeasible.

  21. There are more green options for the maritime industry besides wind, such as liquid natural gas, electricity, liquid hydrogen, methanol, and solar power.

  22. There are wind turbines that can turn your traditional boat green with a few modifications

  23. These wireless, solar-powered CCTV cameras from Amazon are an excellent choice for home security systems.

  24. You can produce electricity from tap water using this micro hydroelectric turbine.

  25. Here’s a solar skylight that lets in natural light while also generating electricity https://www.onyxsolar.com/product-services/photovoltaic-glass-solutions/pv-skylight