Portable mini hydro power plant
A mini hydroelectric power plant, which can be deployed to an place with moving water to produce electricity.
by Miss Entropic Aug 26, 2022 4 Comments 4 Links
#cleanenergy, #electricity, #energy, #environment, #greenenergy, #hydro, #hydroelectric, #physics, #portable, #power, #powerplant, #renewableenergy, #science, #technology,
A mini hydroelectric power plant, which can be deployed to an place with moving water to produce electricity.
by sunnyjim Dec 2, 2024 4 Comments 4 Links
#candles, #eco, #environment, #handpouredcandles, #refillablecandles, #sustainable,
You can produce electricity from tap water using this micro hydroelectric turbine.
Here is a plug-and-play portable hydro generator that you can deploy anywhere in the world.
Check out this mini hydro turbine! Free electricity even with slow-moving water!
A simple but excellent idea that can transform a community, especially in rural areas.