8 links have been added on 2 ideas about #cost.
  1. I bet open ai can wrangle a haggle or two in a chat prompted by deal strategy.

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  2. JamesH

    Surprised Deepmind hasn’t been commandeered to make money for people rather than solve less profitable problems. It is super-capable fo so many things. https://deepmind.com/

    Added on 5 ideasView all 5 ideas this link was added to.
  3. A bot for this already exists, but get this….

    “The bots were good negotiators but also excellent liars. They started showing interest in valueless items so that it could later compromise by conceding it.

    It seems that they learned the ultimate trick in negotiations.”

  4. Wow, never thought of this. Great idea and as this article suggests, buying a home is the most expensive thing most people will have to negotiate. Could save clients millions if used by estate agents.