34 links have been added on 8 ideas about #agriculture.
  1. Robots can also help with more efficient application of pesticides, leading to more sustainable farming.

  2. AI and robotics are the future of agriculture; they can make pest and disease detection much easier.

  3. CC

    This can be a great idea as long as sustainable practices are used; otherwise, it can lead to massive pollution of water bodies.

  4. Mr N

    Farming on floating gardens can help ensure a consistent food production despite worsening climate change conditions.

  5. Check out this dairy farm that is being built on water. This is so impressive!

  6. Jimbo

    Check out these tiny robots that can also aid in artificial pollination.

  7. Urban gardens aren’t just suitable for food production; they also help make cities greener and combat air pollution.

  8. Vertical urban gardens are an ancient but very effective concept which will become popular again as the population of people living in urban centres continues to increase.

  9. Global food insecurity has reached alarming levels, with millions of people going hungry worldwide. However, innovative solutions such as #verticalgardens in cities can help curtail the problem.

  10. These scientists have a crazy suggestion that can solve the crisis – house train your livestock.

  11. Forcing everyone to go vegan is a tad too extreme, but you are right about the high levels of greenhouse emissions from livestock that are very concerning.

  12. A basement full of these could help.

  13. Students need pot noodle plants that produce 365 fruits per year, heh. Seriously, this isn’t going to work in today’s world.

  14. thought this was a joke, but yeah. sensors in the fields make sense. Why not have satellites alert farmers when things are too dry, flooded or on fire?