41 links have been added on 12 ideas about #virtualreality.
  1. Virtual reality communities can help ease isolation for disadvantaged persons, for example, elder adults.

  2. The VR world is becoming more social, allowing people to easily connect with friends, family members, and other like-minded individuals.

  3. Online dating apps are out; VR dating is the future!

  4. Check this out: students are using VR and the metaverse to acquire office skills.

  5. VR offices will revolutionize work meetings and conferences.

  6. Virtual office spaces can help remote workers to connect and collaborate more easily.

  7. Virtual reality and metaverse are already disrupting the traditional online dating scene.

  8. Amazon has a similar app for shoes!

  9. Virtual try-on apps are gaining momentum thanks to the fast growth of AI and augmented reality technologies.

    Added on 2 ideasView all 2 ideas this link was added to.
  10. Virtual clothes try-on is the future of the fashion industry!

  11. How about a real roller coaster ride where you wear a VR headset for the best of both worlds?

  12. Imagine partying in Ibiza from your living room.

  13. Staying in to go out. It sounds like fun.

  14. Wow! You can even control the narrative and make choices in some VR documentaries. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2018/jun/15/virtual-reality-vr-film-making-documentaries-face-to-face-sheffield-docfest