42 links have been added on 14 ideas about #toys.
  1. Here is another smart teddy bear sold on Amazon. The perfect best friend for any child.

  2. WANT!

  3. These are sooooo expensive for a ball of fluff.

  4. Make sure they know its not real. If they are old enough they will think its a mean trick. as it reminded me of this prank.

  5. Good idea, though I can only find ones with stickers on the front rather than a working simple display. Here is an example, why not make it work, people would pay a few bucks for one for a toddler it if it bleeped.

  6. or make a cover and app that turns your old iPhone into a harmless child’s toy? Read this, great idea imho.

  7. Lol, just don’t scare your kids. These are amazing but weird.

  8. …or donate them to hospitals, nurseries and charity shops – all better than recycling them. Reuse is the key here.

  9. First round with each build I let my boy use the instructions as its a good way to learn – then he looks forward to the second build, without instructions as its a new challenge, better is that he gets to explore and “make it even better than lego does” usually with bigger guns or boosters 😉

  10. Would beat the banned ‘paedo’ troll that…. “can giggle when it sits upright. However, the activation button that prompts the toy to function is inappropriately placed under the doll’s skirt and between her legs.”

  11. wonder if that water-repellant coating would reduce friction too?

    Added on 11 ideasView all 11 ideas this link was added to.
  12. Someone made a replica of one of those Dove satellites already. but kits would be good if you could get small cameras and sensors inside the thing.

  13. I remember reading about this ages ago and found the article, not sure if it did actually fly though, anyone know?

  14. …early days but one day we will be listening to AI music without realising it – and of course it will be better than our music because of machine learning.

  15. Got these, the kind of work.

  16. Ironically, “Lego’s 1,500 stock keeping units (SKUs) were for products it no longer made. The company dealt with an astonishing 11,000 sup­­pliers—almost twice as many as Boe­­ing uses to build airplanes.” Looks like they didn’t learn too much from this insight a while back though. Go figure…

  17. Sterling advice here: https://www.wikihow.com/Raise-Children-Who-Think-for-Themselves