7 links have been added on 2 ideas about #spin.
  1. It’s the most suitable word IMO. It resembles the meaning of spin people already understand. From this article “”Spin is the total angular momentum, or intrinsic angular momentum, of a body. The spins of elementary particles are analogous to the spins of macroscopic bodies.”

  2. Interesting, in the description he says “Most entanglement videos discuss the concept just using Bell States, which were first discussed by Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen, in their paper on the EPR Paradox. These states are special cases that allow us to understand what an entangled quantum state is most easily, but they aren’t the general case. I wanted to discuss the general case here, and what it specifically means to have an entangled state.”

  3. Bell Test debunked – they are not entangled – its not that seeing one glove makes the other’s wave function collapse, just that if this one is a right hand glove, then the other is known to be a left hand glove – no spooky action, no magic, get over it.