17 links have been added on 3 ideas about #spacedebris.
  1. Several space agencies, including NASA, are already researching the use of lasers to vaporize space debris.

  2. 8-BIT BOBBY

    The NSS should know where it came from and who is going to help clean it up I guess. Ad Astra!

  3. ScottP

    Put the list on Asgardia. “Asgardia can offer the entire Earth civilization an alternative way.” Head of Nation, Dr Igor Ashurbeyli

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  4. They let you know if you need to know…”In December, China criticised the US for threatening the lives of astronauts on board its Tiangong space station after it was forced to dodge one Starlink in July and another in October. The US said it would have let China know if there was “a significant probability of collision”.

  5. Once you got your ticket, there is little others can do to stop you littering the solar system.. and “Any American citizen who wants to launch a rocket or other kind of spacecraft into orbit must obtain authorization from the FAA, as would any foreigner who launches within U.S. territory. The FAA regulates the commercial sector’s space activities by requiring parties to obtain launch and re-entry licenses.”

  6. “Outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies, is not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means.” Today, space lawyers are spending an awful lot of time debating what, exactly, that means.

  7. what would you do to remove space junk? its a problem that will get worse before it gets better. ideas needed. Good explanation on this site though https://www.nap.edu/read/4765/chapter/10#136