12 links have been added on 5 ideas about #property.
  1. ScottP

    The UK has this, but I have never managed to find any suitable homes in my desired area. The more people use stuff like this the better though.

    Added on 2 ideasView all 2 ideas this link was added to.

    This exists, though you would need to put in your house price and top up the payment if it isn’t a perfect price match.

  3. Yeah over half of the water that goes through your home is grey water, which can be used for the majority of uses of normal water. Got to be done one day – even if its just to teach people not to waste in general.

  4. Bit drastic, but it would provide them with free water to feed the garden trees and plants. If that’s the type of building you think we all live in. Hmm

  5. Not likely the Govt would make the app, or even an api that others can use to access the registry, but good idea, should be done somehow. Why is it that its almost a secret who owns what?