7 links have been added on 2 ideas about #pinterest.
  1. Don’t hold your breath. Maybe they are just giving them loads of traffic and users before they buy them out. For now, you can just block them from the results, shame though. Google was the best once.

  2. If you can’t beat them? copy them

  3. I bet YouTube died inside when they realised they HAD to allow popular ad revenue channels to be set as inactive for dead creators.

  4. Yep, I would pay someone to ensure FaceBook didn’t get to own me after death. Just to stick ads on my grave! Christ!!!

  5. I guess this will become part of the service – the priest closes your socials or sets them to family only, or keep live for others to post comments on. I guess for some like this company, its going to be a big part of the service, if people want it to be as they can grab some milestones and images to use in the farewel and give people a link to their relatives digital lives forever more.

  6. Would be a good service, better than being dumped in the digital graveyard with no pomp. Don’t wanna go there….