26 links have been added on 8 ideas about #metal.
  1. Gutted, great idea but I wanted Jeff from Slayer and you can only get that fat wrestler gimmick bloke called Kerry. Still cool though.

  2. Jonny Rotten and Sid Simpson anyone? Malcolm Mclaren would be proud of the merchandising and profiteering from true teen angst and repression. Spose only middle-class kids would buy them anyways.

  3. ahh, no, they pay less tax if they earn less – time to fix this then lol. Needleman estimates that lead exposure has already cut in half the number of U.S. children who might have had superior IQs (125 or over) — some 2 million kids. We have only begun to recognize what that may cost the nation in reading disabilities, high-school dropout rates and future economic competitiveness.

  4. at least in the old days it only made the super-rich and powerful more stupid – with the correction built in – like a natural balence

  5. Not having to visit an auto shop every other time for minor repairs sounds like heaven. Check out this article on car self-healing technology that uses microcapsules that release a healing agent when broken. https://www.popsci.com/scitech/article/2004-12/car-repairs-itself/

  6. The SuperDraco engine that provides launch escape system and propulsive-landing thrust for the Dragon V2 passenger-carrying space capsule is fully printed, and was the first fully printed rocket engine.

  7. RocketLab’s Rutherford rocket engine was first tested in late 2016, and since then, over 200 of the game-changing models have been produced. Their combustion chambers, injectors, pumps, and main propellant valves are all 3D printed using electron-beam melting.

  8. could be more efficient than burning gas. Imaging that.

  9. read about this here…

  10. Good idea, but won’t catch all the sponges and tubes left in there – which is quite common according to this https://www.thoughtco.com/objects-left-inside-body-after-surgery-4061352

  11. Heard a few nightmare stories about this – would save lives no doubt if they made them mandatory.