27 links have been added on 7 ideas about #employees.
  1. In the wrong hands, employee monitoring apps can invade the privacy of workers even in their own homes.

  2. Employee monitoring is becoming increasingly popular, with more and more people working remotely.

  3. Check this out: students are using VR and the metaverse to acquire office skills.

  4. VR offices will revolutionize work meetings and conferences.

  5. Virtual office spaces can help remote workers to connect and collaborate more easily.

  6. Or you could recruit employees in a “hunger-games” style like BBC was accused of!

  7. It’s certainly a fast and cheap way of recruiting employees!

  8. This might be a hard sell in Japan, where you can be fined for taking a break that’s 3 minutes longer!

  9. There are redudancy laws you can use to file a case in court, but it’s usually an uphill legal battle.

  10. This needs to happen! Many businesses and companies are using redundancies to make more profits!

  11. If they can hire an AI as a CEO, everyone’s job is at risk.

  12. The widespread use of AI and robots can cause job loss in the millions.

  13. Check out this article about a 5-hour work model instead of the traditional 8-hour, 9 to 5 workday!

  14. Let’s face it, having a flexible working schedule can increase your productivity. Plus, it is a huge bonus as it allows you to schedule your tasks around your personal life.

  15. Many businesses and organizations are abandoning the #9to5 work culture.