17 links have been added on 4 ideas about #cleanwater.
  1. MIT engineers are working on a sustainable desalination system that operates on solar power.

  2. Check out this desalination machine that can be powered by ocean waves, thus significantly lowering the costs of fresh water production.

  3. Desalination might be the solution to the worsening water crisis in the world.

  4. These bugs won’t just clean your dirty water; they can also produce free energy in the process!

  5. These scientists have grown a superbug that can eat sewage in wastewater!

  6. This is perfect for camping or traveling, especially in remote areas.

  7. You never have to worry about staying hydrated with one of these bottles. Simply scoop up dirty water and turn it into clean, drinking water in a few minutes.

  8. DNA “fingerprinting” to identify microbial components of polluted water is another promising technology for tracing pollutants back to their source.