34 links have been added on 9 ideas about #accessibility.
  1. Elen

    Good service to hire wheelchair in UK

  2. Even public loos beat some of these high-street chains when it comes to caring for their customers – thing is, most of Costa, Nero and Starbucks customers are old and need the basics getting right.

  3. Costa must be lobbying for crappy lavs.

  4. Been wanting these in LA for nearly a decade now. Not going to happen. Cyclists don’t pay road tax. so don’t hold your breath.

  5. Try Blindsquare, it helps when using public transport.

  6. in the uk there is this app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.org.blind.TalkingNews

  7. Yeah, shameful 1600 dollars here for the same piece of bent wood.

  8. Or just go full Herbie!