Bring back the ancient Roman concrete
Ancient Roman concrete has stood the test of time, with some structures built during this era still standing strong. Bringing back this concrete could significantly improve the quality of modern architecture.
by HADRIAN ION Dec 12, 2024 4 Comments 4 Links
#ancientrome, #architecture, #construction, #history, #roma, #romanconcrete, #rome,
Ancient Roman concrete has stood the test of time, with some structures built during this era still standing strong. Bringing back this concrete could significantly improve the quality of modern architecture.
by MeterMan Jan 19, 2025 3 Comments 3 Links
#architecture, #building, #glasss, #noise, #noisecancellation, #soundproof, #window,
by PLEWEY Aug 11, 2024 3 Comments 3 Links
#architecture, #art, #buildings, #ceilings, #design, #interiordesign,
Besides Roman concrete, several other ancient building technologies could make modern structures more durable and sustainable.
Sadly, the Roman concrete recipe was lost over time, though scientists have been painstakingly trying to recreate the formula for years.
Well, scientists have discovered that ancient Roman concrete had self-healing properties, which is why it was so durable.
This is a great idea! Some ancient Roman structures are still standing, more than a thousand years since they were built.