A smart soccer game ball
A smart soccer ball that improves fair play during competition by guaranteeing the accuracy of critical calls such as offside, out-of-bound balls, and goals.
by Dan the Dan Nov 12, 2022 4 Comments 4 Links
#competitions, #football, #smart, #smartsensors, #soccer, #soccerball, #sports, #technology,
A smart soccer ball that improves fair play during competition by guaranteeing the accuracy of critical calls such as offside, out-of-bound balls, and goals.
by Dan the Dan Dec 3, 2024 4 Comments 4 Links
#eco, #farming, #food, #sports, #sportsstadiums, #stadiums, #sustainable, #urbanfarming,
Oh, I love this concept for a smart soccer ball that changes colour when a goal is scored or when the ball goes out-of-bounds.
It seems like the future is already here! The FIFA world cup 2022 ball will feature smart sensors to improve the accuracy of VAR calls.
Referees use goal-line technology in most FIFA competitions to decide on controversial goals. However, the system relies on cameras, so a smart game ball could be a considerable improvement.
A cool idea. While VAR has improved accuracy in critical calls, the decision to make the call is left to referees.