8 links have been added on 3 ideas about #treatment.
  1. Besides curing diseases, stem cell therapy could help humans achieve the elusive quest for immortality.

  2. Check out this news story about a woman who was cured of HIV using stem cell treatment.

  3. Stem cell therapy is a promising treatment that could be used for chronic diseases like Alzheimer’s.

  4. It isn’t called alternative or even alternate medicine, it is an alternative to medicine, so it is correctly called complimentary medicine. It may or may not help, but it still gets the name medicine, urr, somehow.

  5. NO, NO, NO – Forced treatment isn’t the answer – punishing them with pain for not complying is something only a sick NAZI would do.

  6. Here’s the problem in a nutshell, but the answer isn’t to give them pain instead… “There really isn’t anything we can do. The only time she’s going to get help is if they put her in the hospital, and the only way they’ll put her in the hospital is if she’s a danger to self or others,”