18 links have been added on 7 ideas about #students.
  1. Check this out! Washington, D.C., is rolling out a free degree program for social workers.

  2. Why are schools still using textbooks in this age when they can easily access limited digital learning resources?

  3. You can find some universities and special schools that offer blacksmithing courses.

  4. If only this crusty hack gained as much publicity as the sensation that followed! chuckles.

  5. Gove on his-story… ““There may, for all I know, be rival Whig and Marxist schools fighting a war of interpretation in chemistry or food technology, but their partisans don’t tend to command much column space in the broadsheets”.” https://www.economist.com/britain/2020/07/02/changing-history-teaching

  6. I like this tip – “One Step at a Time: From Family History to Your Country’s Founding” and progress from there.