30 links have been added on 11 ideas about #smell.
  1. Israel has done it. It could come in handy for detecting drugs, weapons, and explosives.

  2. This mosquito repellent spray with pleasant-smelling essential oils is a great alternative.

  3. Check out this Japanese brand of mosquito coils. They are hyped for having some rather pleasing scents.

  4. The odor from burning mosquito coils is not only pungent but can also be harmful depending on the substances used to make the repellents.

  5. ‘ERBS

  6. My cat would die of embarrassment if it had to look like this. poor things should be crapping out in the wild where they kill anything they can. Can’t stop that happening either with a product can you.

  7. omg https://www.robotshop.com/uk/litter-robot-3-automatic-self-cleaning-litter-box-eu.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=surfaces&utm_campaign=surfaces_across_google_uken&gclid=Cj0KCQjwnqH7BRDdARIsACTSAdsyCDv-nb5JoyKt5M_kBdNhtoszdYXlDDSPM0Uut9pp9npDTmLj-ecaAgYuEALw_wcB

  8. Crickey… “After years of watching her mother embrace her deceased husband’s pillowcase, preserving his smell and attempting to cope with his death, Katia Apalategui wanted to find a way to help others longing for a familiar fragrance. Finally, she teamed up with scientists from du Havre and brought her dreams to life.”