25 links have been added on 10 ideas about #sexy.
  1. They might just be a myth, but the idea will stay with some forever. lol.

  2. You don’t have to be crude. They would get the idea just seeing a glimpse of these.

  3. i get the picture, you can buy the “clean” version on amazon already, the rude one, not so sure…

  4. Good thinking, print and wear a QR code that links to your Tinder, FB and Instagram. Perfect for those who want/need to be adored.

  5. and have a contest to create the perfect shape, see which mold is the most popular. It’s not just men remember, women and babies are obsessed by boobs. For a good reason. Thank God.

  6. With respect, they are available for cancer victims but should be on the market for anyone who wants them.

  7. Here they come. already in the bra. Perfect, depending on your tastes.

  8. You can get paid to wear tshirts- don’t think they do anything for your bottom though. Some suitable brand should do this though. And give some of the money to butt cancer charities. Maybe.