14 links have been added on 6 ideas about #relaxation.
  1. On Android, just select Call Block Rules and enable Block unknown numbersblock unknown numbers.

  2. There should be a feature on smartphones that lets you “allow” certain numbers to call you – rather than make you list all those you want block – or does this exist already also?

  3. Great idea, I could watch this all day, especially if it went from hydrogen up through all the elements – without it being part of a narated documentary. But better would be those animations of cells and machines in the body seen in this video. Anyone know where on youtube has this type of animation with no sciency bits to learn?

  4. lol, no chance of that happening. EU is adamant on overulling the last country to ban trade on Sundays – Poland. nothing is sacred when money matters.

  5. Sunday should be sacred for sure… What day of the week was the first day of creation?
    Sunday or Monday? Sunday was traditionally regarded as the first day of the week by both Christians and Jews. Following Jewish tradition, the Bible is quite explicit that God rested on the seventh day of Creation, which formed the basis for the Sabbath, the day of rest.

  6. The cheap way is to put these in rest home gardens, I think they look great.

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