29 links have been added on 12 ideas about #play.
  1. Great idea, not sure why it only stayed in book form. Modern games are all about making choices to decide your fate but having signs in the street to guide historic tours is a great one. I just found this link to the old books too.

  2. Stella

    Thought of this when visiting Paulton’s par with the kids

  3. I like the look of these, not sure if they are spongey though.

  4. Like a reverse of this, or all other life-based board games.

  5. First round with each build I let my boy use the instructions as its a good way to learn – then he looks forward to the second build, without instructions as its a new challenge, better is that he gets to explore and “make it even better than lego does” usually with bigger guns or boosters 😉

  6. Didn’t realise it was an early AI… “One of the most ingenious aspects of Pac-Man is that each ghost behaves differently—one simply chases the player, two try to attack Pac-Man from the front, while the fourth will chase and then abruptly change course.

    It was tricky because the monster movements are quite complex,” Iwatani said. “This is the heart of the game … The AI in this game impresses me to this day!”

  7. Communist Monopoly sounds fun, not – “Officials at the Research Institute in Poland have come up with the concept, which will see players tasked with buying a list of essential items like bread and toilet paper. Rather than try to force other players into bankruptcy.”

  8. Sort of been done – you can buy the template then print.

  9. Little about it on the web tbh – but…”Humans are the only primates that make music. But the evolutionary origins and functions of music are…”

  10. Like this idea, and thought about it myself with our boy. Couldn’t find anything on the web about kids doing the audio track for their games but it is a thing, and a good thing too… https://www.brighthorizons.com/family-resources/music-and-children-rhythm-meets-child-development#:~:text=Music%20ignites%20all%20areas%20of,and%20the%20mind%20work%20together.&text=Dancing%20to%20music%20helps%20children,them%20to%20practice%20self%2Dexpression.

  11. wonder if that water-repellant coating would reduce friction too?

    Added on 11 ideasView all 11 ideas this link was added to.
  12. Agreed. I buy physics books from Amazon, only it recommends science fiction gifts like starwars figures. I mean, this AI is thick as shit. It can’t even find books by the same author when it spams me with recommendations. Needs to be improved as people are getting sick of naff recommendations from amazon and netflicks, it defeats the object and hides more promising suggestions.

  13. Got these, the kind of work.