69 links have been added on 27 ideas about #pet.
  1. Check out this metaverse program that allows people to interact with avatars of real-life pets before they can adopt them.

  2. These are quite common! You can get one on Amazon.

  3. A pet umbrella is oen of the best gifts you can get for your animal companion.

  4. Camping sleeping bags for dogs are quite common. Here’s one from Amazon.

  5. Your pet also needs to be warm and comfortable, especially when they follow you into the cold when you are camping.

  6. A pet’s eye view camera is a great way to understand your pet’s behaviour by seeing what they get up to when you are not with them. Check out this video here of a guy who fitted his cat with one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slLgS6xJtgI

  7. Yeah, the picture looks cool but different to the one in your video. Something that incorporated both types would be brilliant. You can buy the wall one here

  8. Christ! 355 bucks for a non-powered frame with wheels – using the same materials as a 20 dollar shopping bag trolly. Crazy. Imagine what this guy would charge for a powered one.

  9. None of those that get called the best are electric or have power-assist in any form. Suprised to be honest as some people would spend everything to help their dog get about.

  10. Some dogs really do suffer in storms. I have seen some owners try to play with them when the pooch is terrified, and this article explains that this is the wrong thing to do. I like the idea of a security jacket though if it works, and the one in the video seems to.

  11. The RSPCA (which supports bloodsports, ahem) seem to forget that the only natural dogs are woolly wolves – we invented al those nervous, shivering, silly tiny toy dogs, via breeding and they didn’t get the benefit of evolving thick coats. So yes, sometimes it IS ok to dress your dog, especially if it aids their health.

  12. I had a buddy who’s fish could play underwater basketball, there should be a site you can upload videos to and to zoom call time trial contests with fish from other nations! Looks like there are a few things you can teach them.

  13. Catscapes look the best option. Mine would love these but I don’t have room for more shelves. They knock stuff off and would love their own.

  14. Nice idea and I see this exists, with settings for multiple animals including:

    Cat Vision
    Dog Vision
    Snake Vision
    Bird Vision
    Horse Vision
    Honey Bee Vision
    Shark Vision

  15. There’s an app for that. Gets good reviews in general. Just for dogs though. It needs a setting for other animals tbh.

  16. This would be great, we forget that dogs see less colors than we do and that affects their performance when requested to do our tasks.

  17. I have 2 dogs. can they form a convoy?

  18. My cat would die of embarrassment if it had to look like this. poor things should be crapping out in the wild where they kill anything they can. Can’t stop that happening either with a product can you.

  19. omg https://www.robotshop.com/uk/litter-robot-3-automatic-self-cleaning-litter-box-eu.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=surfaces&utm_campaign=surfaces_across_google_uken&gclid=Cj0KCQjwnqH7BRDdARIsACTSAdsyCDv-nb5JoyKt5M_kBdNhtoszdYXlDDSPM0Uut9pp9npDTmLj-ecaAgYuEALw_wcB

  20. Not sure if they are allowed to put addictive things in the food are they – other than sugar and other stuff we know about, but then I read this ” More than half of dogs (53.9%) and cats (58.9%) were classified as clinically overweight or obese by their vets last year, the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention reports. That’s 41.9 million husky mutts and 50.5 million fat cats. And those numbers are climbing.”

  21. Something like this, but with a tiny electromagnetic latch and signal receiver.

  22. Mike

    Found one; a smart pet feeder where you can set feeding time, or do it in-real-time remotely through your phone. Even has a camera with video and voice function that lets you interact with your pet.