16 links have been added on 6 ideas about #nuclear.
  1. For reference: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/tdm/fission-surface-power/index.html

  2. Apparently, you need to have nice manners to get proper recognition now. Science needs to change. Read this article…

  3. “The Atomic Number 26 is formidable. If there are 26 Protons and 26 Neutrons in the Atomic Nucleus, there is a perfect Balance between exchange of Photons and Gluons. Nature has somehow chosen the number 26 to be unbreakable.”

    I got this quote from Quora. https://www.quora.com/Why-can-elements-heavier-than-iron-only-undergo-fission-whilst-elements-lighter-than-iron-can-only-undergo-fusion

  4. Wow, I so didn’t realise this was the case. So linking to where I landed when Googling it. On stack exchange, someone said this…

    “Iron is a “special” element because of its nuclear binding energy. The very basic idea is that when you fuse two light elements together, you get a heavier element plus energy. You can do this up to iron. Similarly, if you have a heavy element that undergoes fission and splits into two lighter elements, you also release energy. Down to iron. You can see this in the plot shown in the wiki article I linked. The physical reason for this has to do with the balance between nuclear forces and the electromagnetic force.

    Due to the way these energies work, and because iron is thus thought of as the most stable, if you want to get energy from fusion or fission, your best bet is to use atoms that are farthest away from iron — very light (like hydrogen) or very heavy (like uranium).

    As a side note, this is also why Type 2 supernovae happen — the star can no longer gain energy from fusion because it can’t fuse past iron, so the outward pressure from energy generation stops and the star collapses.”

  5. djloon

    Sort of laughed when I saw this idea, google’d it and realised its a thing.

  6. Great idea, I could watch this all day, especially if it went from hydrogen up through all the elements – without it being part of a narated documentary. But better would be those animations of cells and machines in the body seen in this video. Anyone know where on youtube has this type of animation with no sciency bits to learn?

  7. another good cause ‘stein would have approved of… https://www.theatomproject.org/en/

  8. Campaign for nuclear disarmament donations page, go for it, change the world. put bullies like trump (and any arms dealing us president) to shame.