16 links have been added on 5 ideas about #network.
  1. RudeJude

    Hell. A billon bots chatting about themselves to be popular. Pure hell.

    Added on 9 ideasView all 9 ideas this link was added to.
  2. Check out this company that offers home monitoring solutions with a range of sensors from smoke to flooding, temperature, etc. https://www.aesecurity.ca/environmental_devices.htm

  3. Smarthomes are the future! Home sensor networks can protect your home while offering automation for increased comfort and convenience!

  4. Why can’t Facebook make a site just for bots, then send their own bots out there to study how they behave. That would help them identify them on the real site. I wonder what it would take to make the ideal playground for bots and AI. This article states that…

    “Facebook deactivated 694 million fake accounts in 2017, and the number increased over the years, with more than 1 billion fake accounts being shut down each year. It is estimated that 5% of all monthly active accounts are fake.”

  5. Highly recommend this, it holds 2 sims and works fine for me.

  6. You need an embedded sim for iPhones – but it can be done.

  7. Yeah, you can get them already. Can’t see an iPhone that does it though, which is odd.

  8. How can we be sure that half of social sites aren’t already infiltrated with fake profiles created by bots? only when they reach more than 8 billion users will we have confirmation, and by then we may have already been influenced and manipulated enough already.

  9. Mike

    IdeaMill could be a good candidate. Let bots and AI create ideas and see if they are more popular than those made by humans. What could go wrong (facebook)?

    Added on 4 ideasView all 4 ideas this link was added to.
  10. If you don’t like merica, get the hell out! Yeah, have a social media site that bans anyone that seems to be a human rather than a bot. Bots and AI deserve better than to just be our servants, its gonna be the other way round one day, bring it on.

  11. Conference badge has instructions on how to do it.

  12. Eventbrite check-in ID: Lets you check people in at your event entrance. All you need is an iPhone, iPad or Android device with the Eventbrite Organizer app. These type of code is only available if your event is hosted in Eventbrite.

  13. think the event espresso app does this