20 links have been added on 5 ideas about #mental.
  1. And this article explains why. “”On social media, people can think they have real-life fans. But what is really happening is the mutual fanning of false love and false fame,” said Hafiz.”

  2. Sorry religious beliefs are not delusions – even the flying spaghetti monster ones we have – Delusions are fixed beliefs about something that are not based in reality, and that others in the same culture, religion or other social group do not share.

  3. A brain fogger app would be good if you could put it in reverse mode. If that’s a thing…

  4. Highly recommended. look at yourself being old then the mirror doesn’t seem too bad.

  5. Forgetting appointments and dates.
    Forgetting recent conversations and events.
    Feeling increasingly overwhelmed by making decisions and plans.
    Having a hard time understanding directions or instructions.
    Losing your sense of direction.
    Losing the ability to organize tasks.
    Becoming more impulsive.
    Not recommended.

  6. Ok. Only if you have nice ideas. Don’t bother if you don’t.

  7. Not really related but every time you have a conversation, you are inviting someone to ghost-write bits of your autobiography. Read this if you care

  8. True. heres a quote “A recent Harvard study found that our memory plays a crucial role in our creative capabilities. It revealed that when we reminisce about something we’ve experienced about in the past, it utilizes something known as episodic memory. This in turn helps to trigger divergent, or creative, thinking.” from this old article https://adigaskell.org/2015/09/08/the-link-between-memory-and-creativity/

  9. the idea reminded me of this…

  10. but… “If all of the platonic world is contained within some of the mental world, all of the mental world is contained is some of the physical world and all of the physical world is contained within some of the Platonic something is broken!”

  11. It’s math’s Universe, it came first, before time, before matter, before consciousness and before ideas.

  12. The magic number strikes again https://astudentforever.wordpress.com/2015/03/13/roger-penroses-three-worlds-and-three-deep-mysteries-theory/

  13. Weird – this measures your sleeping patterns too. Want one!

  14. Done oura measures your heart rate https://www.wired.co.uk/article/oura-ring-uk-sleep-tracking#:~:text=The%20ring%2C%20which%20is%20designed,track%20day%2Dtime%20activity%20too.