34 links have been added on 11 ideas about #laser.
  1. Several space agencies, including NASA, are already researching the use of lasers to vaporize space debris.

  2. Trackpacer is an iOS-controlled LED-based pacesetting system that is being tested and refined with university running teams.

  3. There has been a movement for achieving this for decades now. The tech is getting better all the time and they look so much better than firey pollution that harms animals.

  4. Matt Leake

    Could be dangerous adding all that water to the road surface, unless you used something like a water repellant covering.

    Added on 11 ideasView all 11 ideas this link was added to.
  5. Would be good if they played a sound while you crossed too!

  6. Think its just a concept/idea rather than a thing. Though not sure. It says in the Wired article that it could project silhouettes of the pedestrians behind it, so the motorists are aware that there are lives behind the barrier, that don’t want to be extinguished. Would this type of thing help though? Motorists that ignore lights are just as likely to ignore laser lights too right?

  7. Wow, I found this from a Google reverse image search. It’s a “virtual wall” and looks like they made it over a decade ago, why aren’t they all over the place already?

  8. Interesting idea. Looked this idea up and there are some legalities involved.

  9. it works even better if you project messages onto smoke – SHAME THE POLUTERS! WE ARE WATCHING YOU

  10. Or use the laser to defelct it into an orbit where we can mine it easier? Just an idea.