18 links have been added on 5 ideas about #insects.
  1. Insects can offer a more reliable and effective solution for the rising global food crisis.

  2. I love this idea of using flying robots to kill disease-carrying mosquitoes.

  3. This is amazing – a mosquito-killing robot that uses AI to detect mosquitos in your home and then zaps them with lasers.

  4. This mosquito repellent spray with pleasant-smelling essential oils is a great alternative.

  5. Check out this Japanese brand of mosquito coils. They are hyped for having some rather pleasing scents.

  6. The odor from burning mosquito coils is not only pungent but can also be harmful depending on the substances used to make the repellents.

  7. It’s not just the flies; scientists are building artificial neural networks for computers based on insects’ neural networks.

  8. Scientists have been studying the fly’s brains for years now. The secrets in these tiny brains could be the breakthrough needed to realize portable, personal supercomputers. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/07/100712102812.htm