10 links have been added on 4 ideas about #gamers.
  1. Here’s a simple gaming bed you can find on Amazon

  2. Scientists are researching biofeedback gaming as a way to help deal with anxiety, anger, and other mental health issues. Check out this article here https://www.additudemag.com/video-games-biofeedback-adhd-anxiety-emotional-control/

  3. Advergaming is a real opportunity for advertisers as well as players. All those ads around soccer pitches and games made by big brands like lego are just as affective as real life ads, and it gives the player a free game. Great invention though not sure where it will lead as it will be difficult stopping game makers relying on the income.

  4. Yeah they are annoying but a great way to get free entertainment. So glad people got used to the ads as it means we all get to play without paying.

  5. This was a great idea back in the day, loads of games are now free because of advertising, but there are ways to turn the ads off as explained at https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/use-trick-disable-ads-mobile-games/