9 links have been added on 2 ideas about #eternity.
  1. Not these “scientists”, we are temporary, God is eternal. I guess he will be busy with someone else when he’s done with us.

  2. Yeah, another piece of contradictory “wisdom” the authors of the Gospel found (borrowed/took/stole) from great minds before them. Though the did the simple bait and switch, from being about nature to being about god and man.

  3. The universe itself may be temporal and eternal. As discussed by those in this video and a few folks before that, I mean well before that.

    Added on 2 ideasView all 2 ideas this link was added to.
  4. Something tells me they meant supernature (god) not nature. OOpsie!

  5. Lol, of all the people to do… “The CEO of virtual reality company Spinifex, is hoping to create a “post-biological” Elton John.”

  6. Interesting. This will need legislation better than we have for clairvoyants who claim to speak to your dead relatives. Granny’s AI might start changing her will after she sees how we behave once really granny is gone. Crazy.

  7. A virtual assistant that could do what I can do would be handy, can I have 50 of them please, not for social networking, but for starting a business or better, lobbying politicians or creating art and literature…. The future is going to be very interesting and by the looks of this link, it’s starting to happen already. Like.