46 links have been added on 15 ideas about #creativity.
  1. With robots now having the ability to create art, we might have to redefine the entire discipline given that it is based on human creativity!

  2. Ahh, the famous cock and balls on mars. I remember it well. Fox covered it. On Reddit the caption of the wild photo read: ‘Mars Rover = $800m, Team to operate = $1bn. Drawing a penis on the surface of another planet = priceless.’

  3. “Creativity Through Community” is surely overlooked when understanding how great breakthroughs happen. This link is worth the read for those interested in what Eno says.

  4. Yeah, the picture looks cool but different to the one in your video. Something that incorporated both types would be brilliant. You can buy the wall one here

  5. Einstein would agree too “‘I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination encircles the world’ – Albert Einstein”

  6. Someone should make wicker topology models for mathematicians. There are some great images of what people can make in this article : https://www.stirworld.com/see-features-the-wicker-story-reading-the-evolution-of-craft-and-parametric-design

  7. Lol, just don’t scare your kids. These are amazing but weird.

  8. …or donate them to hospitals, nurseries and charity shops – all better than recycling them. Reuse is the key here.

  9. Sounds like one of the things they are hoping Nurallink will be able to do. Sounds good but what happens when humans get too creative? Imagine someone like Trump on it. lol.

  10. This – No Rest For The Dead – 26 authors. So this idea kind of exists. Great. Ain’t read it, I hate crime or scarey stuff in books, life’s hard enough.

  11. Relay reading is a thing too, though not sure if that adds anything to the story. Love the idea that each author passes it on to one of their hero’s to see what they would do with the story. Do these actually exist anywhere though?

  12. Ahh, John Green is in this list. I have linked to his latest best-seller here. He is the perfect guy to start a relay book, then send it to his brother Hank to twist the story up and send it off on a tangent. Who knows who Hank would hand it to, but this would be a great experiment as well as an interesting read.

  13. Collaborative fiction is its name. I like the idea of passing the story on and seeing where it goes. Usually collabs are partnerships but a collaborative author may focus on a specific protagonist or character in the narrative thread, and then pass the story to another writer for further additions or a change in focus to a different protagonist.

  14. One of the more popular existing music collab apps should add a live feature that connects to GPS for sure.

  15. The smartphone orchestra seem to be having fun with this, but I don’t think there is an app that lets you join in with others on the tube who also have the app. Someone make it and add the link, I want it.

  16. Little about it on the web tbh – but…”Humans are the only primates that make music. But the evolutionary origins and functions of music are…”

  17. Like this idea, and thought about it myself with our boy. Couldn’t find anything on the web about kids doing the audio track for their games but it is a thing, and a good thing too… https://www.brighthorizons.com/family-resources/music-and-children-rhythm-meets-child-development#:~:text=Music%20ignites%20all%20areas%20of,and%20the%20mind%20work%20together.&text=Dancing%20to%20music%20helps%20children,them%20to%20practice%20self%2Dexpression.