18 links have been added on 7 ideas about #conservative.
  1. In the UK between 1945 and 1970, 66% of the middle class voted Conservative and 62% of the working class voted Labour. This is no longer so for a variety of reasons. This article explains why.

  2. Democrats are attracting more affluent voters. Maybe because many of their representatives are from well-off families.

  3. Interesting idea, but how do you do that? According to Leonard Beeghley “Many politicians, heirs to fortunes, top business executives such as CEOs, successful venture capitalists, and celebrities are considered members of the upper class. Some prominent and high-rung professionals may also be included if they attain great influence and wealth. The main distinguishing feature of this class is their source of income. While the vast majority of people and households derive their income from salaries, those in the upper class derive their income primarily from investments and capital gains.”

  4. May not be as effective as a commission to be honest. Plus, how would you get her out of the seat when needed?

  5. You can have cross-party positions. Well they, in the US can. Check this article out, shows how most things can be non-partisan.

  6. We might need this one day – especially if the world keep changing faster and faster https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13510347.2018.1470165

  7. In the uk, its the norm now just to promise whatever will win you the election and worry about fudging the figures later. Shame, wonder which party promises the most that they can’t afford though.

  8. Chief whips are the real chaos merchants. Quote from a former tory chief bully boy:

    “Problems involving members “might be debt, or it might be a scandal involving small boys”.

    “They would come and ask if we could help,” Fortescue said. “And if we could we did, and we would do everything we could, because we could store up brownie points.

    “That’s one of the reasons we would get a chap out of trouble – because he’d then be ours forever-more.”

  9. I read this one, which gives the impression they should be watched around the clock. Since Thatcher reinvented the role as “cabinet enforcers” and my local MP was a tory chief whip, no MP is likely to get a free vote. Great book btw.

  10. richb

    Please read this book to discover exactly why we should never go down this route