18 links have been added on 5 ideas about #conservation.
  1. Environmental education can be more effective at tackling pollution by preventing it in the first place.

  2. Anyone making an argument for trophy hunting is living in their own little world. This barbaric practice should be banned completely!

  3. Nice idea if it helps but sounds like it could be a way to just landfill dump animal carcasses in the sea. So not good.

  4. urr, yeah, but what do you do with the rest. every day!

  5. Angular momentum, in the form of “spin” is transferred to or from the photon. but read this to get a better idea of what you are trying to say… https://www.thenakedscientists.com/forum/index.php?topic=35361.0

  6. you sure? “When an electron moves from a higher orbital to a lower orbital, the atom emits a photon. … Angular momentum is conserved only if there’s no external forces, in this case the electron gains energy by light or by heat wich is kinetic energy.”

  7. Hmmm, i can see how a simplistic view of conservation of energy indicates that “the closer you get, the faster you go” but I think the analogy ends there. Electrons don’t even actually orbit the center of atoms, that was just a way to explain it, way back. Sorry.