29 ideas about #computer have been added on IdeaMill.
A computer program that can restore lost historical writings. Read more
A portable desktop computer
Desktop computers are powerful devices but have one major drawback; they are... Read more
Exercise while surfing or playing video games
Most people spend hours on their computers and the internet each day.... Read more
Automatic subtitles algorithms
A computer program that can automatically and accurately translate films and TV... Read more
Computers and phones that uses gait recognition technology for authentication
Gait recognition technology can replace biometric and alphanumeric passwords, making your devices... Read more
A tiny computer mouse that sits under a single finger
Not sure if you can buy these things or if they were... Read more
‘roll up’ cell phones, tablets and laptops
Just a small spiral cylinder to fit in your pocket – Yes... Read more
Voice recognition calculators
Even if it was an app. It could help accountants get through... Read more