24 links have been added on 4 ideas about #college.
  1. Check this out! Washington, D.C., is rolling out a free degree program for social workers.

  2. Yes in an ideal world this is a good idea I think. However, teachers choose the grade they are most comfortable with. Which kind of makes sense.

  3. GREAT TO SEE SOMEONE ELSE KNOWS THIS IS A GOOD IDEA – FIINALLY. Read this article https://www.chalkbeat.org/2018/3/21/21104540/elementary-school-teachers-sometimes-follow-a-class-of-students-from-year-to-year-new-research-sugge

  4. Some schools in New Zeland do this, not sure why they don’t do it elsewhere seeing as their goal is to improve litracy.

  5. in the UK, there has been talk of click-and-collect services during covid, not sure if it actually happened anywhere but if it did, there is no reason why they can’t do the same during summer holidays and term breaks. This is an online resource for those who see libraries as a essential resource, rather than a cheeky way to take the money and refuse to provide the service we paid for.

  6. Thoughts from quora, but will lazy parents “home ed” their kids? Or college students skiving and failing?

  7. The guys at SciShow would be the ideal folks to create this series of videos. And you can support them via Patreon

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  8. Added on 2 ideasView all 2 ideas this link was added to.
  9. Beyond high-school in places but this for quantum mechanics

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  10. Become a Patreon of CrashCourse. These videos have educated countless people who don’t have access to any type of school – ie adults.

  11. This is an educational good cause I support, great teachers on youtube

  12. Added on 2 ideasView all 2 ideas this link was added to.