28 links have been added on 8 ideas about #biotechnology.
  1. Human testing of artificial wombs might begin in the next few years. This is so crazy!

  2. 3D printing of human organs could be the solution for treating critically ill patients during space exploration missions.

  3. Check this out! These scientists want to test out a 3D human-printed heart in a pig.

  4. 3D printing is the future of organ transplant and medicine

  5. These #smartbacteria that can detect diseases could be another excellent source of yoghurt probiotics.

  6. Check out this article on intelligent bacteria that can be wired to kill pathogens in the gut! Adding them to yoghurt would be a fantastic idea.

  7. The U.S. military is researching plant DNA markings to fight counterfeit goods!

  8. This is a great idea! We need new and unique ways of fighting counterfeiting, given how much it costs the global economy.

  9. A future where plants light up the world might be here sooner than you expect – MIT students recently engineered plants that produce light from their stored energy.

  10. Scientists are researching biofeedback gaming as a way to help deal with anxiety, anger, and other mental health issues. Check out this article here https://www.additudemag.com/video-games-biofeedback-adhd-anxiety-emotional-control/