5 links have been added on 1 ideas about #wheel.
  1. I always thought “you can’t keep a good idea down” but it looks like you can. These guys seem to have quit, taking the opportunity with them. Not sure how they failed, but it will be a while till someone else can apply this amazing tech to all the applications it deserves to be on.

    From wiki: “In 2014, Jyrobike launched a Kickstarter campaign that raised $185,818 from 872 supporters. On November 25, 2014, Team Jyrobike announced a 9-month delay in delivering bikes. That was their last update. As of July, 2019, the jyrobike.com url is no longer active”

  2. Looks like they changed their name – which indicates they didn’t plan properly or were hindered by unforeseen circumstances. This was ages ago though, why no wheels like this on stuff other than segways?

  3. You can’t buy these anymore on Amazon. If you read the reviews, it indicates that they trashed their chances of making an amazing product by inferior design and awful customer services. I hope they don’t have the patent on this so that nobody can have a bash at such a great product idea. there are so many uses of a wheel that stays verticle. What happened to Gyrobike, anyone know?