23 links have been added on 8 ideas about #voting.
  1. 16-year-olds might soon get the opportunity to vote in the U.S. if this constitution amendment goes through.

  2. Children are also citizens. Therefore, there is no valid reason why they should be denied the right to vote and voice their opinions.

  3. The French found a creative way to vote none of the above – spoiling the ballot!

  4. It seems that a few jurisdictions have it, including India.

  5. You can deploy voting apps in nearly any industry that deals with data https://2muchcoffee.com/blog/how-to-build-an-online-poll-or-voting-app/

  6. I don’t think the American trump voters or UK Brexiteers intended it, but they are pushing the cause of a global government, regardless of which nations get a decent share during the initial power grab.

  7. Science, climate and peace sure are global issues that affect the entire world. Maybe each government should vote for a world leader. A possible solution to the one-sided situation we will enter true globalism with.

  8. Not to worry, America’s influence on the world is declining, due to their self-interested voting record. America-First… not for long.

    “It hasn’t been OK. After four years of Trump’s “America first” — or, more accurately, “America only” — approach to international relations, the U.S. is less respected and less influential than it has been in decades. “

  9. You don’t need your national insurance number, they know who you are anyways. Currently in the UK you can vote in person or postal. Digital is likely to get hacked early on so best to let other countries find the pitfalls first no?

  10. Loads of countries do it already, each govt has an electoral register so they don’t need any extra id data like national insurance number.

  11. Prone to hacking and worse is that if it gets hacked, nobody can tell which votes were hacked and which weren’t, sounds like a major vulnerability to give your country.

  12. Not if it sways the vote away from your guy…. Sunday’s order came as little surprise after the state’s supreme court on Oct. 22 denied a similar request to halt drive-through voting, in a lawsuit filed by the Republican parties of Texas and Harris County.

  13. ‘No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…’

    Winston S Churchill, 11 November 1947

  14. “Politicians might offer enticing tax breaks to woo voters at the next electoral contest, while ignoring long-term issues out of which they can make little immediate political capital”

  15. Interesting, both the US and UK are more dissatisfied than satisfied with how parliamentary democracy panned out. Time for a rethink, but despite the US being a republic rather than a democracy, it seems offering an alternative is unamerican. Times are changing though.

  16. This is called disaproval voting I think – it could just take a vote of the one you negatively voted for. simple.