16 links have been added on 6 ideas about #spying.
  1. Hidden cameras are quickly becoming a menace, making counter-spying and detection gadgets more and more necessary.

  2. There is actually a pretty strong case for rewarding whistle blowers. The more corruption they uncover the more they get paid right? https://www.ft.com/content/cac4c994-3f24-11e9-9bee-efab61506f44

  3. Someone with money should reward brave whistleblowers of the past, their lives suffered to help others, in some cases. It has had a long history which I didn’t realise, here is a list of prominent blowers.

  4. Nice idea but you won’t have heard of any of these data brokers anyways – same as the parent companies that own “bad karma” brands. Its a buffer zone thing, corporations learned to do long ago to protect the public facing brand that represents the real players beneath. So yeah have a list, and you will be none the wiser on which shareholders and individuals are spying on you.

  5. Live camera translators are starting to make this idea a reality. I like the fact that it could help the police with foreign criminal gangs that operate from cafes in the UK, ie CAFE NERO and COSTA.

  6. see what the drone sees… this method pulls out their recognizable pattern from the radio signal, even without breaking the drone’s encrypted video.