21 links have been added on 7 ideas about #spaceflight.
  1. You can buy rocket powered jetpacks already – not sure how they would work in space as the brakes need to be added, heh.

  2. Check out this company researching flights into space using ballons https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/13/space-tourism-firms-plan-to-use-balloons-to-go-to-space-in-2024.html

  3. You can get a ride to the edge of space in a hot air balloon. However, it comes at one hefty price tag

  4. Space Adventures have been in the game a long time now, but how many paying customers have they sent to space? Plus, the idea is about an agency not a broker or provider. Ie, somewhere you can see flights offered by multiple vendors.

  5. No flight list on Virgin Galactic or SpaceX or Blue Origin. In most cases, you would likely just be faced with a form where you give them money and they send you marketing materials about how good it would be – hit “FLY WITH US” an you won’t see any departures list or reviews from happy customers. Slowly slowly catch a monkey.

  6. Rocket Breaks claim to be a space travel agency – but nope, just a page full of marketing hype and no list of departures here. When will this finally happen for real?

  7. Cool. “Our biggest current challenge is embedding these smart sensors into a flexible and compliant material that can expand as the modules are inflated in space,” Kim says.

  8. Now that sounds like a good application for buckypaper. According to this it can be used as a lightweight heat shield that can stand up to the impact of hypersonic speeds.

  9. NASA wouldn’t allow anyone else to change anything like that – while its still putting the money in. There were rumours that people could suggest a more futuristic or exciting name for SLS, but yeah bureaucracy won, which it should I guess.

  10. not sure if moonspike are still attracting crowdfunds for this, but it looked like it was going to happen at one point.

  11. amazing they made this idea a reality! not sure if they used the crowdfunding money or if nasa paid. Got to schedule a visit, what a place to go before i get too old.