17 links have been added on 6 ideas about #running.
  1. CC

    Wooden treadmills are more sustainable than those made from metal or plastic.

  2. Pretty sure these will be burned from professional sports.

  3. Believe it or not, there is a virtual treadmill marathon competition. Check it out!

  4. Smart shoes offer more advanced analytics compared to standard fitness trackers, which can help to improve your running.

  5. Looks like the hate mail are telling fibs to ridicule foreigners again.

  6. 据黑龙江都市频道《新闻夜航》报道 哈尔滨市通河县清河林业局文化中心将体育场的弯道修成了直角 据工作人员说,这里以前是正规的田径场 因为年头久了破损严重

    前阵子有领导来检查,可能是时间紧迫 来不及铺设弯道区 就直接将直线跑道铺在了弯道上 通河县清河林业局文化体育中心的工作人员说: according to the guy who invented them.

  7. Trackpacer is an iOS-controlled LED-based pacesetting system that is being tested and refined with university running teams.