6 links have been added on 2 ideas about #patents.
  1. astronut

    This would be a good idea if a site had templates that were legally binding. There is no real reason why you need a solicitor just to check you are not infringing on someone else’s patent. Google do a patent checker for free btw.

  2. I have been looking for a site that does this for years now. Best I come up with is this answer on stack exchange / patents “Yes, there is a list. No, it is not exhaustive. In fact, the patent system is expressly designed for this purpose. We want people to know about expired patents and to use them as they see fit. The USPTO Patent Database provides patent images for all patents since 1970, and text files for all patents since 1976. Every patent issued before 4/10/2000 (as of this writing) is expired. Some patents after that date are expired, depending on whether the patent has been abandoned. There is no list of every single expired patent, but you can produce a list of the bulk of expired patents, and then search more recent ones on a case-by-case basis as necessary.”