“While the minting of public domain works is interesting, the issue that is most likely to generate legal conflicts is the minting of a work from a person that is not its author or owner. The other phenomenon taking place is that people have now started minting works that do not belong to them.”
Here we go again. I was seriously planning not to blog again about non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and instead concentrate on writing a full academic paper about the subject, but events have overtaken …
Nice idea, could have big implications though…. https://www.musicbusinessworldwide.com/nfts-for-copyrights-why-non-fungible-tokens-could-transform-who-gets-paid-from-music-rights-and-how/
“While the minting of public domain works is interesting, the issue that is most likely to generate legal conflicts is the minting of a work from a person that is not its author or owner. The other phenomenon taking place is that people have now started minting works that do not belong to them.”