6 links have been added on 2 ideas about #networking.
  1. Conference badge has instructions on how to do it.

  2. Shazzam lets you connect to your facebook friends, but yeah, not quite nailed it as a network of likeminded music fans. Some other options exist though, here https://www.lifewire.com/best-social-music-sites-2438411

  3. Eventbrite check-in ID: Lets you check people in at your event entrance. All you need is an iPhone, iPad or Android device with the Eventbrite Organizer app. These type of code is only available if your event is hosted in Eventbrite.

  4. Good idea, Spotify just doesn’t do this, and youtube is a list of hate comments, nothing I have found lets you share music with others into the same genre. Any ideas anyone?

  5. think the event espresso app does this